Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great Linux article

Here is a great Linux article on

It talks about the lack of ad campaigns on TV for Linux.
The Linux Foundation is sponsoring a “We’re Linux” video contest for uses to express what Linux means to them.

The grand prize is a trip to Tokyo for the Japan Linux Symposium in October 2009.
Pretty cooooool ...

Anyone submit a video?
Leave a comment with a link!

Fedora 10

I see a lot of traffic coming to by blog by people searching for "Fedora 10 Dell 1520".
So I thought I would ask the question... What information are you looking for?
I will try to answer all questions, or point you in the right direction.

So go ahead and post a comment with your question.

Best VPN software

Which VPN software is the best. I'm thinking about setting up a VPN for my home network and wanted to get some input from others who are running a VPN server.

Ive heard openVPN is good.

Any suggestions?

Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail

Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail

Official Google Blog: Raising data privacy awareness

Official Google Blog: Raising data privacy awareness

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Linux quick tip

Here's a neat tip I read about in the January 2009 Issue 177 of Linux Journal.

Using netstat with the -tpe flags to monitor programs that are making connections to remote hosts.

-t limits output to TCP connections
-p displays the PID and name of the program
-e displays extra information

# netstat -tpe
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name
tcp 0 180 ESTABLISHED root 11831 2811/sshd: kpb [pri
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED kpb 13586 3023/elinks
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED kpb 13577 3023/elinks

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Linux command of the week

Linux command of the week


Convert is a great command for resizing images.

I needed to change the size of some images for a web server I was working on this past week. I needed to cut the size of the file down so the page would load faster.

eg $ convert -resize 50% file1.jpg file1.jpg

It can also be used to change the file type

eg $
convert file1.jpg file1.png

For more options see the man pages

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Fedora 11 release name ...


Voting Period: 05 January 2009 08:00:00 UTC to 09 January 2009 23:59:59 UTC

1. Leonidas 1108
2. Indomitable 1054
3. Claypool 944
4. Brasília 890
5. Blarney 890
6. Duchess 838
7. Zampone 716
8. Euryalus 713

Friday, January 9, 2009

Openssl Security Update CVE-2008-5077

Openssl has released a security update for anyone using releases prior to 0.9.8j.

To get the update for Fedora:

yum update openssl

for more information see the following link: